For 4 days in May 2022, EABA President Nate Minor and Community Development Consultant Jennifer Ohme joined EAV Main Street Coordinator Chelsea Sommers at the Main Street Now conference in Richmond, VA. We met up with other Main Street leaders from all over the country, including those from our other local Atlanta districts, and explored workshops relating to the four pillars of the Main Street program: design, organization, promotion and economic vitality. The goal being to bring Main Street accreditation to East Atlanta and use the gained knowledge to better serve our small business district and community.
Highlights from the trip:
- In-depth talks from key players in the historical preservation realm
- Real-world examples of Main Street successes throughout the country
- Key Note Speaker Dr. Tiffany Manuel of TheCaseMade
- Joined other Georgia Main Streets for a de-briefing and networking session
- Endless ideas of projects to implement here in our EAV district!
Take a look at photos from our trip!