The Moving Atlanta Forward newsletter come from the office of Mayor Andre Disckens. This month's highlights include a link to their 2023 Annual Report and an overview of calling 311 vs 911.
Annual Report 2023
Discover the City of Atlanta’s progress and growth as we present the culmination of our collective efforts in the 2023 Annual Report. In this report, we invite you to explore advancements in public safety, affordable housing, economic growth, infrastructure development and youth empowerment.

Make the Right Call - ATL 311 Day
On 311 Day (March 11), the City of Atlanta launched its Make the Right Call Campaign. The purpose of the campaign was to emphasize the responsible use of calling 911 versus utilizing 311.
Some of the most common non-emergency calls to 911 include issues involving landlord-tenant disputes, barking dogs, noise complaints, illegally parked cars and lost and found property. While these concerns are important, the City encourages residents to recognize that 911 should be strictly reserved for genuine emergencies, involving immediate threats to health, safety, property, house fires, vehicle accidents or ongoing criminal activities.
By making the right call, our E911 system is able to address true emergencies and create a safer Atlanta for residents and visitors.