THANK YOU to everyone who came out and joined us for our August General Meeting focused on OUTREACH.
The panel was an all-star roundup of outreach initiatives in and around East Atlanta. Programs such as @intowncares , @eastatlantakids , @blessingbagsofwarmth , @Atlanta311, @padatlanta and @bagel.rescue (with support from @lilianaforatlanta )! They are doing amazing work to foster a culture of care and support for those in need within our community and we are so lucky to have these awesome organizations in our city and neighborhood.
Thank you again to all our sponsors! Argosy + Peachtree Dog Training + Carlen Hultgren, Realtor® w/ RPM Home Advisors + Coffyn Pyes
To hear more about the work these programs are providing to support our community, check out the live stream video on our instagram: