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Meeting Agendas +  Minutes, Updates, Event Info

  • Friday, June 16, 2023 9:31 AM | Anonymous

    Less than a week until Make Music Day Atlanta - an international celebration of music! We have 3 events happening in East Atlanta on Wednesday, June 21, summer solstice!

    First from 11AM to 1 PMcouple of local musicians and friends of @tunewelders will be jamming @butecoatl located in Southern Feed Store

    Then from 2PM to 3PM @music_with_monique will be leading the Flowerpot Symphony with children from @eastatlantakids and anyone else who'd like to join! All ages and levels welcome. Meet us at the pavilion in Brownwood Park (607 Brownwood Ave).

    Lastly from 5 PM to 6 PM we will wrap up the EAV events @eavcafeatl with "Stridulations" originally composed by Billy Martin and led in EAV by Julian "Scotty" Bryan, @double_dubby, @j_m_pepper and @drumzofdef - this event is PARTICIPATORY. Bring any acoustic instrument that you have at home and come join the fun! All levels encouraged!

    We are so excited to present this one-day celebration alongside our fellow Main Street cohort members--@sweetauburnworks, @l5pbiz, @virginiahighlanddistrict and @westendmerchants. Make Music Day is celebrated internationally in over 100 cities worldwide! See you at our Atlanta celebration next Wednesday, June 21!


    Special thanks to our sponsors @ideadldesignatl, @digitarot, @benjholst @getonvolume@atlantafederationofmusicians and @butecoatl.

  • Wednesday, June 07, 2023 3:50 PM | Anonymous

    Saturday 6.10 | 2-6 PM | @ EAV

    Kick off Juneteenth early with the Wing Bar Block Party in EAV this Saturday. Shop vendors and get funky dancing the afternoon away in the Village! Make sure to stop by the EABA table while you’re there.

    STREET CLOSURE: Flat Shoals Ave will be closed in the Village during the hours of 2-6 PM on Saturday June 10, 2023.

  • Wednesday, June 07, 2023 12:22 PM | Anonymous

    Provide Your Input on Brownwood Park Playground/Pavilion Revamp

    EACA is working closely with the City of Atlanta Dept of Parks and Recreation to kick off a revamp of the park in the coming months. First phase projects that have received approved funding include an update and refresh of the playground equipment and potentially the pavilion area as well.

    We need your input to ensure the design and implementation of these updates are in line with the needs of the community. Please take 5 minutes to complete our Brownwood Park Input Survey by Friday, June 9th and be entered to win 1 of 2 gift cards to an East Atlanta business.

    If you're interested in getting involved with the Friends of Brownwood Park, please email us at parks@eaca.net.

  • Wednesday, June 07, 2023 11:59 AM | Anonymous

    We Need Your Pots!

    Do you have old flower pots taking up space at your home? We can put them to good use! EABA will be collecting flower pot donations at the EAV Farmers Market on Thursday 6.15 from 4-7 PM for Make Music Day Atlanta. You may also drop pots off at 1569 Glenwood Ave through Friday 5.16.

    As a special program of Make Music Day on Wednesday, 6.21.23 EAV Main Street is hosting a Flower Pot Symphony at Brownwood Park from 2-3 PM for neighborhood children. EABA member Music With Monique will be leading this flower pot drumming experience for neighborhood children including campers from East Atlanta Kids Club.

    Flower Pot Symphony Event Details
    Session 1:
    2-2:30  |  Session 2: 2:30-3

    Location: Brownwood Park Pavilion (602 Brownwood Ave)

    This is a family-friendly event.  Anyone is welcome to attend! Please bring extra flower pots if you have them.

  • Friday, June 02, 2023 11:43 AM | Anonymous

    Did you know May 2023 marked the official 4th anniversary of EABA's reboot? Thank you to everyone who came out to support the East Atlanta business community at our May General Meeting last week! 

    Take Aways:

    THANK YOU to Flatiron, Village FitnessAtlantaPurusVillage Church + GrantLanta for the meeting support! And thank you to all attendees - your engagement in East Atlanta's business community is so appreciated.

    We hope to see even more of you at next month's General Meeting on June 20, 6 PM at Argosy!

    Sponsor our next meeting!


  • Tuesday, May 30, 2023 7:49 AM | Anonymous

    Calling all small businesses! Need a little help with your business plan? Could your marketing use a little pick-me-up? Register for this FREE lunch-time virtual session powered by HOPE and Invest Atlanta

    HOPE helps participants master business basics, create and maintain a strong small business plan, as well as gain access to funding and resources to grow their business.

    Public Relations and Marketing Workshop  for Small Business
    Monday, June 5 | 12:30-1:30 | Virtual


  • Tuesday, May 16, 2023 5:19 PM | Anonymous

    The Dos & Don’ts for Business Financing
    Accurate business tax filings and financial reporting is key to gaining funding. Join this webinar as our business consultants guide you through the Dos and Don'ts of Applying for Business Financing. This is not tax advice.

    Date: May 18, 2023
    Time: 6:00 p.m. ET
    Register Here

    In Person: Small Business Mixer at CODA Tech Square
    Network with other small business owners, Invest Atlanta team members, business associations and technical assistance providers. This event will focus on resources for start-ups and tech entrepreneurs. 

    Date: May 25, 2023
    Time: 6:00 p.m. ET
    Register Here

  • Tuesday, May 16, 2023 5:12 PM | Anonymous
    Updates from 5.10.23 meeting:
    • Representatives from EACA (inclusive of Friends of Brownwood Park, East Atlanta Parents Network, and Board members), EAKC, local neighbors, and Patrick Hand (Owner, Integrated Land Design) met to discuss first phase of confirmed funding from the Moving Atlanta Forward infrastructure package (2023 Activation, Brownwood Park Replacement Playground with Amenities, Parks & Rec, Remove existing swing set and install new playground, $345,972, Horizontal Bond)

    • In addition to this bond funding for 2023, the Moving Atlanta Forward infrastructure package also includes the following for 2024 (Brownwood Park Rec Center 

    • Improvements, Parks & Rec, Interior and exterior upgrades, plumbing, HVAC, electrical, etc. ($1,500,000, Vertical  Bond)

    • Finally, private funding is in process through the solicitation of the City of Atlanta, Department of Parks & Recreation and other parties (Art in the Paint and EAKC currently). These opportunities may include renovations to existing amenities such as the tennis courts, volleyball court, basketball courts, and smaller items such as tables and seating. DPR regularly solicits private funding to bolster City funding, and private/public partnership will expedite the improvement of Brownwood Park.

  • Wednesday, May 10, 2023 3:14 PM | Anonymous

    From Planned Parenthood Southeast:

    Set your calendars - it's time to Paint the Village Pink again! Our sixth annual fundraising event will take place in EAV on Friday, June 23.

    Our goal is to raise mission-critical funds for Planned Parenthood Southeast and our very own East Atlanta Health Center. As you know, it takes a village. That's why we're asking for your help as event sponsors. 

    This year, we're promoting PTVP as an all-day event and raffle. Daytime sponsors, we'll stage our raffle prize boxes at your business. Supporters can drop in, check out the prizes at each location, and enter to win. We'll also offer early t-shirt sales in the village. Then, we'll move the raffle prize boxes to our nighttime sponsor locations for our bar crawlers. We'll also include your bar or restaurant on our bar crawl map. 

    All sponsors will be featured on our printed promotional materials for the event as well as online in social networking posts and on the fundraising website. You'll also receive a decor package, including posters, postcards, balloons, and swag for the event.

    Ready to be a sponsor?

    • A donation of $100 or more gets you in! And if you donate $200 or more, you'll also receive 10 event t-shirts for you and your staff. SIGN UP HERE

    • Consider donating a prize for the raffle. Ideas include a gift basket that showcases your products, gift cards to your business, or a cash donation toward the cost of a big raffle prize. Additionally, if you have any relationships with places you think might be willing to donate a prize for the raffle, please let us know! It doesn’t have to be a business in EAV.

    • RSVP by May 19, 2023

    If you have questions or need additional details, please reach out to Tony Kearney, Director of Strategic Relationships at PPSE, at tony.kearney@ppse.org.

    In solidarity,

    PPSE East Atlanta Advisory Council

  • Wednesday, May 10, 2023 12:42 PM | Anonymous

    This past week, Atlanta Mayor Andre Dickens announced his budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2024 which starts July 1.

    At $2.5 billion, this would be the largest operating budget in Atlanta history.

    $790M is in the General Fund–– which is the City’s principal operating fund and has the most flexibility on how it gets spent.

    Other funds — such as those for the airport, water, and E-911 — have restrictions on where and how the money can be spent.

    Each of the City’s department will meet with City Council regarding their proposed FY2024 operating budgets.

    Departments will present their requests for operating funds included in the budget in the Council Chambers at City Hall. All sessions are open to the public (also broadcast on Channel 26 and livestreamed on the council’s social), but there is no public comment.


About EABA

EABA strives to create cohesion and communication between businesses, residents and City of Atlanta to preserve the history and integrity of East Atlanta Village.

Give Us A Shout! 


Mailing Address: 1267 Glenwood Ave SE, Atlanta GA 30316 

Copyright © 2020  | East Atlanta Business Association | Atlanta, Georgia 
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