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Meeting Agendas +  Minutes, Updates, Event Info

  • Monday, March 14, 2022 8:53 PM | Anonymous

    Proposed Bylaw Amendment 2022

    See full bylaws here


    Section 2 – Annual Meeting

    Page 4

    Amend: October or November TO March or April


  • Monday, March 14, 2022 8:30 PM | Anonymous

    2022-2024 EABA Volunteer Board of Directors

    Election: Online + In person 3.15.22      VOTE ONLINE HERE


    Miko Evans: Meak Productions: Co-Vice President  bio    interest in EAV

    Ashley Browning: Village Fitness: Secretary or Membership Chair  bio

    Micki Silvestros:  East Atlanta Copy Center: Public Safety Chair



    President: Nate Minor: Screen Fixing

    Co-Vice President: Kelly Stocks

    Co-Vice President: NOMINEE: Miko Evans: Meak Productions

    Secretary: OPEN

    Treasurer: Kevin Lynch: Keller Knapp

    Film Liaison: Armando Celentano: Argosy



    Co-Chair: OPEN

    Co-Chair: OPEN

    Committee Members: OPEN


    Chair: Traci Sampson: Traci with an Eye Graphic Design

    Committee Members: OPEN


    Chair:  Carlen Hultgreen, RPM Home Advisors

    Committee Members: OPEN

    Public Safety

    Chair: NOMINEE: Micki Silvestros, East Atlanta Copy Center

    Committee Members: OPEN

    Bar & Restaurant Owners

    Chair: Robert Macdonald: Holy Taco

    Committee Members: OPEN

    Outgoing Founding Board Members-THANK YOU! Co-Vice President: Mary Mckissick, Secretary Asiaa Karriem: The Wing Bar, Co-Membership Chairs: Lauren Janis and Vicki Park. 

  • Tuesday, March 01, 2022 3:08 PM | Anonymous

      Today is the last day of February! Tomorrow is Fat Tuesday and the new month of March! Yay!!! 

      Save the Date: March EABA General Meeting is Tuesday the 15th @ 11am. Members will be voting on their volunteer board of directors for 2022-2021. We're not sure if it will be in person or virtual yet. Stay tuned! 

      Volunteers Needed for EABA'S Board of Directors: 2022-2024! 

    EABA's founding board members have dedicated so much time, expertise and love to getting our business association on solid footing! THANK YOU!!! 

    • We're 72 members strong!!! WOW!!

    WE NEED YOU TO STEP IN AND HELP FURTHER EABA'S MISSION to create cohesion and communication between businesses, residents and City of Atlanta to preserve the history and integrity of East Atlanta Village. 


    • You must be a current member of EABA. Check our member directory here.
    • Be available on Tuesday nights to attend the board meetings, 1st Tuesday of the month, and general meetings, 3rd Tuesday of the month. Both meetings are 1.5 hours. We estimate about 10 hours a month of your time including meetings, emails, projects and meeting business owners! 
    • Care about your business community and want to make a difference. 
    • Don't worry...we educate all board members on EABA and the workings of the City...we just need your passion and willingness to work with us!


    ✏ Navigating the City of Atlanta Business License Process

    We've heard from many of you that you have questions about acquiring a business license from the City of Atlanta. 

    In order to ensure you have everything you need to apply for the Resurgence Grant Fund, we are hosting a webinar on Thursday, March 3, at 4pm with the City of Atlanta Revenue Department. Hear from staff about how the process has changed and what you can do to verify your business license renewal. 

    The Resurgence Grant Fund application will be open from March 1 through April 29. Learn more about the Resurgence Grant Fund at investatlanta.com.


    Grants will be reviewed and awarded based on the order they are received! Don't delay. Get your paperwork in order and submit for up to $40,000 in reimbursements for COVID related expenses. Payroll and commercial rent is now eligible.

    Questions: resurgence@investatlanta.com!

    coordinator (1).png

    We are thrilled to have received 16 applications for the Main Street Coordinator position. Thank you to everyone who submitted and/or shared this job opening with your friends and network! 

    The review committee is busy and will have our final candidates on March 8, 2022. Interviewing will take place March 15-18. Our new Main Street Coordinator will be in place at the end of the month!! Yay!!!

       Mayor Andre Dickens Lifts Certain Emergency COVID-19 Restrictions


      Connect Atlanta: Enabling The People Of Atlanta To Help Keep Our City Safe

    Connect Atlanta, the newest safety program brought to you by the Atlanta Police Department (APD) and is the next phase of Operation Shield which is designed to keep residents of Atlanta safe. This is a voluntary program that enables residents like you to create a safer Atlanta for all its people. What’s really special about this program is that it enables residents and businesses to directly partner with the police department to reduce and investigate criminal activity.

    It consists of two parts: camera registry and camera integration.



  • Tuesday, March 01, 2022 3:02 PM | Anonymous

    ✏Please share with anyone you think would be interested! 

    JUST ONE MORE DAY until the Main Street Coordinator Position closes tomorrow, Tuesday February 22nd at 11:59pm. 





    February 25 @ 10am Webinar



       Roundabout at Maynard Terrace and the I-20 Eastbound Exit Ramp


      District 5 Infrastructure Form

    Let Council member Bakhtiari  know about issues within our district, including infrastructure issues, illegal dumping, trash collection, individuals struggling with homelessness and more.



    To register your camera with the Atlanta Police Department,  please visit, www.connectatlanta.org    

    This will allow officers and detectives to quickly send an email alert anytime an incident occurs near you and request footage. 




    See the volunteer commitment and requirements. 

    Email hello@eastatlantabiz.com and we'll talk! 

  • Monday, February 21, 2022 6:50 PM | Anonymous

    Thank you to everyone who attended and to Invest Atlanta for presenting the Resurgence Grant Fund. 

    2.15.22 Meeting Recording


    Audio Only

  • Monday, February 07, 2022 2:39 PM | Anonymous

    2022-2024 Board of Directors: Available Positions + Job Descriptions

    Nominations: January 18-February 28, 2022

    Election: March 15, 2022

    First BOD Meeting: April6  6:00-7:30 PM      

    First General Meeting: April 19  6:00-7:30 PM

    2020 EABA Bylaws

    2022 Meeting & Events Calendar


    East Atlanta Business Association, also known as EABA, strives to create cohesion and communication between businesses, residents and the City of Atlanta to preserve the history and integrity of East Atlanta Village.

    East Atlanta Business  Association boundaries are the same as the East Atlanta Community Association Boundaries. These current boundaries are adhered to for NPU-W and the City of Atlanta planning purposes.

    • West: Moreland Avenue, north to I-20

    • North: I-20 to Flat Shoals Road, where the border will go east of I-20 to include that portion of the City of Atlanta east of I-20

    • East: Fayetteville Road to Eastland Road and its intersection with Moreland Avenue.

    TERM: March 2022-March 2024

    • 2 year term

    • Up to 15 seats total    

    • 3 open seats on the Executive Committee +  2 open At-Large seats

    • 4 Committee Chairs open 


    Co-Vice Presidents (2) Executive Committee: 

    • Assists the President with both the BOD and general body meetings. 

    • Advocates on behalf of the membership of the community at large. 

    • Coordination with the Director for key projects. 

    • Holds fiduciary responsibilities.

    Secretary (1) Executive Committee: 

    • Assists the President with both the BOD and general body meetings. 

    • Records meeting minutes at both the BOD and general body meetings.

    • Coordinates with Director for distribution of meeting minutes.

    • Signs bylaws. 

    • Holds fiduciary responsibilities.

    Committees Chairs: 

    • Membership Co-Chairs (2): Assist with outreach to potential, new and existing members. 

    • Marketing Co-Chair: Assist with social media marketing of members. 

    • Public Safety: Lead a committee responsible for public safety in the commercial district. 



    President: Nate Minor: Screen Fixing

    Co-Vice President: Kelly Stocks

    Co-Vice President: OPEN

    Secretary: OPEN

    Treasurer: Kevin Lynch: Keller Knapp

    Film Liaison: Armando Celentano: Argosy



    Co-Chair: OPEN

    Co-Chair: OPEN

    Committee Members: OPEN


    Chair: Traci Sampson: Traci with an Eye Graphic Design

    Committee Members: OPEN


    Chair:  Carlen Hultgreen, RPM Home Advisors

    Committee Members: OPEN

    Public Safety

    Chair: NOMINEE: Micki Silvestros, East Atlanta Copy Center

    Committee Members: OPEN

    Bar & Restaurant Owners

    Chair: Robert Macdonald: Holy Taco

    Committee Members: OPEN

    Outgoing Founding Board Members-THANK YOU! Co-Vice President: Mary Mckissick, Secretary Asiaa Karriem: The Wing Bar, Co-Membership Chairs: Lauren Janis and Vicki Park. 

    WHO CAN RUN? To be eligible to run, your business must be a current member of EABA and representing the business. The owner of the company does not have to be the one to be on the board of directors as long as it is approved by the owner. Only 2 seats available for non business owners. 

    • Members or associate members in good standing.

    • Members are businesses and property owners that operate within the bounds of East Atlanta.

    • Associate members operate outside of the bounds of East Atlanta.

    Check your membership here. If you are not listed in the directory, your membership has lapsed. 

    Executive Officers and Committee Chairs make up the Board of Directors.

    Board of Directors Time Commitments: 10 hours per month + Events + Work Sessions

    • The executive officers are the President, Co-Vice Presidents, Treasurer and Secretary. The executive officers govern EABA.

    • Committee Chairs vote on major issues and manage each area of expertise.  Reports to the Executive Officers and works closely with the Director on action items and plans.

    Required Monthly Meetings: 5 hours

    The Board of Directors may not miss more than 3 meetings total per term.

    • Attendance of BOD meetings on the 1st Tuesday of the Month from 6:00-7:30pm.

    • Attendance of the General Membership meeting on the 3rd Tuesday of the Month from 6:00-7:30pm.

    Working Sessions & Follow up: 5 hours

    • No more than 5 hours per month during normal EABA functions regarding preparation of agendas, follow up items and emails between the Board of Directors and the community.

  • Tuesday, February 01, 2022 2:50 PM | Anonymous

    January 18, 2022 EABA General Meeting Minutes




  • Monday, January 31, 2022 2:54 PM | Anonymous
  • Monday, January 31, 2022 2:52 PM | Anonymous

    Invest Atlanta is the official economic development authority for the City of Atlanta. Its purpose is to strengthen Atlanta’s economy and global competitiveness to create increased opportunity and prosperity for the people of Atlanta.

    With equity front and center, Invest Atlanta supports businesses through economic development incentives, small business loans, workforce solutions, connections to institutions around the city, and other robust programs designed to give all businesses the opportunity to succeed.

    Meet with the Business Expansion & Retention Team to learn more about how Invest Atlanta can support your business!

    Meet with the Innovation & Entrepreneurship Team to learn more about how Invest Atlanta can support your startup!

    Feb. 15th at 11:30 am: Bookkeeping & Tax Credits with Saurav Bhandari, CPA of Arbo
    Feb. 22nd at 11:30 am: Hiring with Ariel Lopez of Knac
    Mar. 1st at 11:30 am: Cybersecurity with Nick Santora of Curricula
    Mar. 8th at 11:20 am: Fundraising with Graham Gintz

     of Knightley

    Mayor Dickens announces $20 million Wells Fargo "Open for Business" donation

    Feb. 1st: Plywood People's "Path" Program Begins
    Path is an interactive six-week online course designed to help problem solvers decide which direction to take with their idea. Path is offered four times during the year. The next cohort begins in February 1st, 2022!

    Feb. 3rd: Final Deadline to Apply to Emory's "Startup Launch" Program
    The program helps early-stage founder teams to rapidly develop their ideas and move their startup forward. Each team must include at least one Emory student, alumnus/a, or faculty or staff member, while other team members may be from the community at large. The program is free of charge.

    Feb. 6th: Deadline to Apply to Atlanta Inno's "Inno Madness" Competition
    Nominate a local startup (private, tech-enabled businesses or companies who support innovation.The Inno team will assemble brackets of private, fast-growing, tech-enabled local businesses based on nominations. In the end, only one company will be chosen as Inno Madness Winner. 

    Feb. 9th: Deadline to Apply to Women of Color Grant Program
    The Fearless Fund and Tory Burch Foundation in partnership with The Cru will award up to 150 deserving women of color-owned small businesses $10,000- $20,000. In addition, recipients will be awarded access to a peer network to help you continue to build and grow their business.

    Feb. 11th: Deadline to Apply to Cisco 2022 Global Problem Solver Challenge
    The Cisco Global Problem Solver Challenge 2022 is a worldwide search for early-stage technology-enabled solutions and services that can enable economic development and/or benefit society and/or the environment.

    Feb. 14th: Deadline to Apply to Department of City Planning's "Public Kiosk" Program
    Applications are now open for businesses to apply to operate downtown Atlanta brick-and-mortar kiosks. This is a great opportunity for entrepreneurs to grow their businesses, while contributing to a more vibrant and pedestrian-friendly public realm in downtown.

    Feb. 17th: Deadline to Apply to Department of City Planning's "Love Our Places: Bike Parking" Program
    The City of Atlanta Department of City Planning’s Love Our Places program is looking to partner with an artist with each bike parking location selected during a previous call to develop and implement custom art for each award location.

    Feb. 21st: Deadline to Apply to SHRM's "WorkplaceTech Accelerator" Program
    The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), through SHRMLabs, is launching an inaugural 8-week virtual program that is designed to scale up early-stage, growth driven startups dedicated to elevating HR and solving today's most pressing workplace challenges.

    Feb. 22nd: Deadline to Apply to Partnership for Inclusive Innovation (PIN)'s Innovate for All Grant Fund
    Innovate for All funds and supports projects that help empower and sustain a statewide network of innovation, technology, and entrepreneurship resources to create economic opportunities for Georgia’s rural, suburban, and urban centers, with a focus on the people and places that are often overlooked as hubs of innovation.

    April 1st: Deadline to Apply to Endeavor's "Scale Up Atlanta" Program
    This 7-month non-dilutive program equips Atlanta’s fastest-growing, highest potential Black founders with the resources and confidence to take their business to the next level. Selected entrepreneurs will participate in monthly programming and receive hyper-curated mentorship and services for the dynamic challenges of scaling up: a time commitment of 3+ hours per month, from May to November 2022.

    April 6th: Deadline to Apply to Techstars Atlanta in Partnership with Cox Enterprises
    This program is located in the epicenter of startup activity in the Southeast U.S., helping entrepreneurs build meaningful companies and enduring brands.

    Rolling: Goodie Nation's "Intentionally Good" Program Application
    Intentionally Good is a relationship and growth program from Goodie Nation that increases the competitiveness of tech-focused social entrepreneurs and diverse founders (Black, Latinx, and Women) for endorsements, pilots and strategic partnerships, and funding through professional development, warm introductions, and mental health sessions. 

    Rolling: Waitlist Open for Zane Access™ Capital Readiness Cohort
    Designed to meet the unique needs of underrepresented founders, the 10-week immersive course prepares underrepresented founding teams to successfully raise capital by providing them with networks and mentors to help them champion their story and use their own powerful, unique voice and brand.

    Rolling: Panoramic Ventures' Startup Showdown Application
    Startup Showdown offers early-stage startups the chance to pitch investors and increase their visibility among an expanded investor network. All semifinalists benefit from Mentor Day, where they will refine their pitch in front of experienced founders and other tech executives. Five finalists are selected to compete on stage in front of a panel of guest investor judges where we invest $120,000 in exchange for 7% of your company.

    Rolling: Applications for theClubhou.se "Make Startups" Entrepreneurship Accelerator Program
    This program offers classes beginning every couple of months in a variety of locations, meets once or twice a week, and is followed by six months of weekly mentoring which completes the full Make Startups Certificate of Entrepreneurship. The program is free if you qualify for funding through Atlanta's Workforce Development. Please add "Zane Access" in the section "where you heard about the program".

    Rolling: QuickBooks Restaurant Relief Initiative in partnership with the Georgia Restaurant Association Foundation
    Through the QuickBooks Restaurant Relief Initiative, restaurants with an annual net revenue of less than $250,000 can apply for a $5,000 grant to cover payroll and operating expenses to help employ and retain staff.

About EABA

EABA strives to create cohesion and communication between businesses, residents and City of Atlanta to preserve the history and integrity of East Atlanta Village.

Give Us A Shout! 


Mailing Address: 1267 Glenwood Ave SE, Atlanta GA 30316 

Copyright © 2020  | East Atlanta Business Association | Atlanta, Georgia 
Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software