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Meeting Agendas +  Minutes, Updates, Event Info

  • Tuesday, May 09, 2023 11:42 AM | Anonymous

    Are you a small business in Atlanta? Interested in generating extra foot traffic on a Wednesday? Have a spot where someone could perform on Make Music Day Atlanta 6/21/23? Keep reading !

    Everyone is welcomed and encouraged to host musicians from their outdoor space, sidewalks, backyards, storefronts, small business, restaurants, cafes, bars, cultural institutions; community gardens; even your own porch, stoop, driveway, or lawn.

    This year Make Music Day Atlanta is collaborating with the Atlanta Main Street Cohort. We highly encourage you to consider participating if you have a business in @sweetauburnworks @eastatlantabiz @l5pbiz @westendmerchants or @virginiahighlanddistrict

    The only rule? ALL Make Music Day events must be free and open to the public.

    Sign Up Here

    Sign up by May 24th at midnight EST!

  • Friday, May 05, 2023 2:46 PM | Anonymous

    May is historic preservation month!

    Explore East Atlanta's unique historic character and challenge your neighborhood knowledge and observation skills this May with EABA's Architectural Scavenger Hunt brought to you by EAV Main Street and FOMO (Friends of the Madison Organization).


    All of the architectural details photographed on the scavenger hunt appear on built resources within this BOUNDARY MAP. All are commercial or community landmark resources- no residences. Find the architectural features shown and record the corresponding address or current business name on this form. Each week through June 9th, we'll announce one winner from the entries with the most correct answers! ShopEAV gift cards will be awarded to a winner each week.

    Enter each week for the most chances to win! Answer sheet will be provided to all participants at the end of the month.

    Questions? Email us at hello@eastatlantabiz.com. Follow us on FB and Insta @eastatlantabiz.

    For more historic preservation celebrations, check out our Whispers of History Event.

    Happy historic preservation month from EAV Main Street and Friends of the Madison Theatre!

  • Wednesday, April 26, 2023 2:20 PM | Anonymous

    Filming update from EABA's Film Liason, Armando Celentano of Argosy:

    Hello, business owners. Netflix has applied for a filming permit for Monday, May 1 with the Mayor’s Office of Film and Entertainment. This will close Flat Shoals to through traffic between Metropolitan and Glenwood from 9am until  early to mid afternoon. The permit will say 5pm but for their lighting purposes the filming will need to be done no later than 3. Their locations team is currently out in the neighborhood making sure any businesses within this and possibly outlying areas will be compensated. Please have a few months of your Monday daytime sales reports available to show. They are arranging for parking lots to be made available at both ends of the block and behind 463-485 Flat Shoals.


    Please reach out to Taylor McPherson if you have not been notified:  taymacloco@gmail.com

  • Wednesday, April 26, 2023 12:51 PM | Anonymous

    Thank you to everyone who came out to support the East Atlanta business community at our April General Meeting last week!

    Take Aways:

    THANK YOU to Waffle BarMikChan's EAVAtlantaPurusVillage Church Mint Mobile Detail  for the meeting support! And thank you to all attendees - your engagement in East Atlanta's business community is so appreciated.

    We had a great turnout and hope to see even more of you at next month's General Meeting on May 16, 6 PM at Village Church!

    Sponsor our next meeting!


  • Friday, April 14, 2023 2:48 PM | Anonymous

    Below are the contacts for the Lieutenants, the shift they work and their area of responsibility. Thank you to Lieutenant Butler for providing this information!

    Main Precinct:  404-546-5700 | Officer is available from 7 a.m. – 11 p.m.

    Lt. Carroll | Jcarroll@atlantaga.gov

    Day Watch – 6 a.m. – 3 p.m.

    Lieutenant Capell | ntcapell@atlantaga.gov | 678-618-9013

    Evening Watch – 2 p.m. – 11 p.m.

    Lieutenant Butler | cdbutler@atlantaga.gov | 470-218-5001

    Morning Watch – 10 p.m. – 6 a.m.

    Lieutenant Crosby | rcrosby@atlantaga.gov | 470-543-1743

    Crime Suppression – Typically begin at noon but shifts vary

    Lieutenant Mercado | nmercado@atlantaga.gov | 404-709-1735 

    Bike Patrol/Quality of Life: Lieutenant Carroll | jcarroll@atlantaga.gov

    Cameras: Looking at the map it appears there is a functioning camera at these following locations:

    Flat Shoals / Glenwood – Covers the intersection

    1242 Glenwood – Points towards the Bagel Store

    Flat Shoals and May – Points south on Flat Shoals

    Code Enforcement: Lieutenant Cotter | mcotter@atlantaga.gov

    Code Enforcement Section
    818 Pollard Blvd. SW 
    Atlanta, GA 30315 
    Tel: 404-546-3800 
    Fax: 404 658-7084 
    Fax: 404 525-6614 

  • Thursday, April 13, 2023 10:20 AM | Anonymous

    Public Safety Chair: Micki Silvestros | East Atlanta Copy Center publicsafety@eastatlantabiz.com

    • ALWAYS copy Public Safety Chair when communicating incidents in EAV

    Public Safety Committee Meetings

    • 2nd Wednesdays, every other month: April 12, June 14, August 9, October 11, December 13

    Zone 6 Commander:Major Andrea Webster | awebster@atlantaga.gov

    Lieutenant Chris Butler, Atlanta Police Department Zone 6 Evening Watch

    Cell: 470-218-5001 cdbutler@atlantaga.gov

    GOAL OF THIS MEETING: Create a Public Safety committee of volunteer business owners dedicated to shifting negative perceptions of the commercial districts of East Atlanta.  Volunteers will spearhead an area of concern below: 

    East Atlanta Village Emergency Contact Map (Brick & Mortar businesses): See map here

    • Create a database of public facing cameras with contact information that will assist APD in obtaining video footage that pertains to issues. This will be shared with APD. No camera footage is shared. 

      • How many cameras do you have at your business that face public sidewalks, parking lots or streets?

      • Who is your emergency contact at your business if something happens? Break-in, fire, tagging, shoplifting??

      • ACTION: Gather all camera data and emergency contacts from EAV businesses. Determine a process for notifying all emergency contacts of an incident. Text service sponsorship needed. 

    East Atlanta Village Clean-ups:  The best way to shift a negative perception of a commercial district is to have litter free, well maintained landscaping and with no graffiti. 

    • Georgia Works can provide services.  

    • ACTION: EABA needs to raise the $500 per month and have someone be the main point of contact for crews progress and needs. 

    • Commercialharassment@atlantaga.gov - goes to city solicitor Bert Hopkins - for all of COA

      • If you’re getting a lot of tagging, drug dealing, prostitution, panhandlers, crime, defacement, anything you need to involve legal eye of COA, email the above email short synopsis of the issue, location and your contact info and cc hello@eastatlantabiz.com.

    GA Power Light Audits: Making sure EAV is properly lit provides for a safe environment. 

    ACTION: Identifying burned out lights and reporting them to Georgia Power. Following up to ensure they are fixed. Ongoing activity. 

    Outreach Services for Unhoused Community

    911: Life Threatening 

    PAD: 311-1 for quality of life issues

    Partners for Home: Encampments

    • PAD:Download this Resources Guide, Print and Post at your Business

    • Partners for HOME, the Atlanta Continuum of Care (CoC), and the ClearerPath Strategic Planning Committee to End Homelessness would like to invite you to an NPU Virtual Listening Session on Homelessness in Atlanta. These sessions are an opportunity to engage with Partners for HOME to learn more about current and future solutions surrounding homelessness in the City of Atlanta and to provide input regarding the next five-year strategic plan to end homelessness. REGISTER HERE   SUBMIT QUESTIONS BEFORE HERE

      1. Four sessions via Zoom (dates below). These sessions will also be recorded and posted to the Partners for HOME website. https://partnersforhome.org/

    Monday, April 17th, 4:00 – 5:00 PM

    Wednesday, April 19th, 8:00 – 9:00 AM

    Monday, April 24th, 4:00 – 5:00 PM

    Wednesday, April 26th, 8:00 – 9:00 AM

    Create a EAV Disaster Preparedness Plan

    ACTION:  Utilize Georgia Main Street resources and create a specific plan for the East Atlanta Village. Enroll all business owners. Use an emergency text system. 


  • Thursday, March 23, 2023 4:12 PM | Anonymous

    Thank you to everyone who came out to support the East Atlanta business community at our March General Meeting on Tuesday. You can view the minutes here.

    THANK YOU to ArgosyCoffyn Pyes + Brandon Byrd Your Local Mortgage Expert + A Sound Proposition + East Atlanta Kids Club for the meeting support! And thank you to all attendees - your engagement in East Atlanta's business community is so appreciated.

    We had a great turnout and hope to see even more of you at next month's General Meeting on April 18th!

    Sponsor our next meeting!


  • Thursday, March 23, 2023 3:49 PM | Anonymous

    EABA President and owner of ScreenFixing, Nate Minor,  joined Councilmember Liliana Bakhtiari on  WABE 90.1 FM's Closer Look with Rose Scott at Joe's East Atlanta Coffee Shop on 2.23.23.

    Topics included East Atlanta Business Association, Atlanta Main Streets, and other things East Atlanta Village.

    Check out photos from the event below!



  • Thursday, March 23, 2023 2:51 PM | Anonymous

    The Backing Small Businesses grant program presented by American Express, in partnership with Main Street America, is accepting applications now through Friday, April 7. To support economically vulnerable small business owners in growing their businesses and fostering a thriving small business community, grants of $5,000 will be awarded to 350 business owners in the U.S. and territories.

    Twenty-five of the 350 grantees will also be awarded $25,000 Enhancement Grants, allowing business owners the opportunity to further enhance their businesses. These winners will be announced in October 2023.

    What types of grant expenses are eligible?

    Eligible grant expenses include but are not limited to:

    • Accessibility Upgrades (Examples: ramp, menu translation, accessible website redesign for visually impaired people, etc.)
    • Community Events and Programs (Examples: open mic night, public educational/training workshops, hosting community fundraisers, partnerships with other small businesses)
    • Equipment and Inventory (Examples: point of sale device/software, purchasing of items for sale, display cases, kitchen equipment)
    • Marketing (Examples: investing in social media campaign, building a website, etc.)
    • Operational Strategy (Examples: branding package, accounting software, business coaching, and other types of support that would increase the viability of your business)
    • Physical Improvements (Examples: signage, awnings, painting facade, new shelving, new lighting, etc.)
    • Sustainability Upgrades (Examples: solar panels, rain garden adjacent to business, investing in reusable/compostable/recyclable packaging alternatives, etc.)
    • Technology Upgrades (Examples: building an online storefront, online ordering system, or other e-commerce platform)
    • Rent and utilities

    What types of businesses are eligible?

    Businesses must meet the following criteria to apply:

    • The applicant must be an owner of the business.
    • The applicant must be at least age 18 years or older.
    • The business must be at least 51% owned, operated, and controlled by small business owners who identify as:
      • Asian American and/or Pacific Islander
      • Black and/or African American
      • Hispanic and/or Latinx
      • Immigrants, Refugees, and/or Forcibly Displaced
      • Members of the LGBTQIA+ Community
      • Middle Eastern and/or North African
      • Native and/or Indigenous
      • People with Disabilities
      • Veterans
      • Women
    • The business is in a "brick-and-mortar" location and operate in an older or historic main street, downtown, or commercial district in the United States. (Home-based businesses, even those located in historic neighborhoods, are not eligible. Brick-and-mortar businesses located outside of historic downtowns and commercial corridors, including, but not limited to, office parks and shopping malls are also not eligible.)
    • The business is an independent business and not part of a franchise.
    • The business must employ less than 20 full-time employees.
    • The business has been in operation since January 1, 2022.
    • The business must be a business entity in good standing in the state in which it was formed and the state in which it does business.
    • The business has an active business license in the state where you do business.


  • Friday, March 17, 2023 2:44 PM | Anonymous

    We desire a board that embodies EABA's mission, vision and values and reflects the diversity of the business community we serve. 

    Open Board Positions

    Below is a list of all current EABA board members as well as nominees for the 2023-2025 (2 year) term. Nominees are highlighted in yellow. 


    President: Nate Minor, Screenfixing 

    Co-Vice President: Kelly Stocks, East Atlanta LLC

    Co-Vice President: Miko Evans, Meak Productions

    Secretary: OPEN

    Treasurer: Nominee: Brandon Richardson, Village Fitness EAV


    Public Safety Committee Chair: Micki Silvestros, East Atlanta Copy

    Committee Members: Armando Celentano, Argosy  + Kelly Stocks, East Atlanta LLC

    Diversity, Equity + Inclusion (DEI) Committee Chair: Nominee: Ryan Downey, East Atlanta Kids Club

    Committee Members: OPEN

    Film Liaison: Armando Celentano, Argosy 

    At-Large Board Members: Nominee: Joe Seymour, 10ATL


    Membership Committee Chair: Carlen Hultgren, RPM Home Advisors

    Committee Members: OPEN

    Marketing Committee Chair: Traci Sampson, Traci with an Eye Graphic Design

    Committee Members: OPEN

    Main Street Liaison: Michelle Rice, East Atlanta Strut

    FOMO Board Chair: Bill Gould

    Secretary: Stephanie Cherry-Farmer

    Treasurer: Jennifer Murray

    Members: Armando Celentano, Argosy + Nate Minor, ScreenFixing

    EAV Main Street and EABA Coordinator: Chelsea Sommers, Chelsea Sommers Realtor®

About EABA

EABA strives to create cohesion and communication between businesses, residents and City of Atlanta to preserve the history and integrity of East Atlanta Village.

Give Us A Shout! 


Mailing Address: 1267 Glenwood Ave SE, Atlanta GA 30316 

Copyright © 2020  | East Atlanta Business Association | Atlanta, Georgia 
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