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Meeting Agendas +  Minutes, Updates, Event Info

  • Thursday, April 04, 2024 10:43 AM | Anonymous

    The Moving Atlanta Forward newsletter come from the office of Mayor Andre Disckens. This month's highlights include a link to their 2023 Annual Report and an overview of calling 311 vs 911.


    Annual Report 2023

    Discover the City of Atlanta’s progress and growth as we present the culmination of our collective efforts in the 2023 Annual Report. In this report, we invite you to explore advancements in public safety, affordable housing, economic growth, infrastructure development and youth empowerment.

    Link to 2023 Annual Report

    Make the Right Call - ATL 311 Day

    On 311 Day (March 11), the City of Atlanta launched its Make the Right Call Campaign. The purpose of the campaign was to emphasize the responsible use of calling 911 versus utilizing 311. 

    Some of the most common non-emergency calls to 911 include issues involving landlord-tenant disputes, barking dogs, noise complaints, illegally parked cars and lost and found property. While these concerns are important, the City encourages residents to recognize that 911 should be strictly reserved for genuine emergencies, involving immediate threats to health, safety, property, house fires, vehicle accidents or ongoing criminal activities.

    By making the right call, our E911 system is able to address true emergencies and create a safer Atlanta for residents and visitors.

    Learn more

  • Monday, April 01, 2024 10:01 AM | Anonymous


    Thank you to all who attended our March General Meeting and to our generous host Argosy! We received updates on EABA's continued work in the business community and heard from community partners including District 5 and APD. Highlights included a review of the EABA 2024 proposed budget, a call for EABA BOD volunteers (namely an Events Chair), an update on The Wing Bar's Juneteenth Block Party, and a reminder of EABA's continued Public Safety efforts (next meeting 4.10.24!).

    3.19.24 MINUTES

    THANK YOU SPONSORS: EABA + Village Fitness - East Atlanta Village + Primed Instincts, LLC

    FEATURED BUSINESSES: Melange Hair Studio + East Atlanta Strut 

  • Monday, April 01, 2024 9:29 AM | Anonymous

    Georgia Works is keeping EAV clean! Thanks to joint efforts between EACA/EABA and District 5, this project is underway and will continue as long as funds can be secured. 

    Update from Steve of GA Works:

    "Our efforts produced 3 trash bags and one scrap tire removed for recycling. Heavy focus on sweeping and picking up cigarette butts. Glass sweeping in lots performed. Portland Ave trash cleaned from Joseph Ave to Brownwood Ave. EAV Farmers Market lot required attention."


    What is Georgia Works? A program with the goal of ending homelessness, criminal recidivism, and dependency through programs aimed at personal development in good habits, work ethic and character. The ultimate goal is self sufficiency. Participants are provided shelter and transitional work as they renounce dependency and remain drug and alcohol free.

    Next time you spot them cleaning up EAV, give them a shout of encouragement!  

    This effort would not be possible without donations from District 5, EABA, East Atlanta Santa and community members. Please consider a donation to help support this program as we continue to work towards the ultimate goal of year-round funded clean-ups.  READ MORE + DONATE

  • Tuesday, March 19, 2024 5:16 PM | Anonymous

    Wonderful turnout and presentation last Thursday night at EABA's Cocktails & Conversations. Intown Cares gave us so much important information regarding the work they are doing in our neighborhood. Councilmember Liliana Bakhtiari was there to support and update us on concerns and projects happening in East Atlanta.


    Thank you to Argosy for the delicious cocktails and french fries and to Village Fitness - East Atlanta Village for treating us to some tasty Argosy pizza.

    Please follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay informed when our next Cocktails & Conversations will be.

  • Tuesday, March 19, 2024 4:46 PM | Anonymous

    Information from EACA: This is a reminder that construction for the new playground in Brownwood Park started March 18th, with the first couple of weeks dedicated to demolition. Once the playground equipment arrives, installation will begin, with the entire process expected to take about 6 weeks. The current playground will therefore be inaccessible during this time. In addition, the parking lot will be closing temporarily on April 15th. Signs will be posted for circulation around the playground area, and the existing sidewalk will remain open for pedestrian access.

    We're excited about all the developments at Brownwood Park (see broader plan image attached) and look forward to sharing more information as new projects come online. Stay tuned for ways you can support these projects as we continue to make our park thrive!


  • Thursday, March 07, 2024 9:20 AM | Anonymous

    Filming will be taking place in and around Motor City South all day/evening on Sunday, March 10. Please note that Haas avenue will be closed to through-traffic, but driveway/homeowner access will remain in effect. You can access the full Haas closure docs HERE.

    The Wrong Man is a feature film production. "Fresh out of law school and looking to make waves at her new firm, young lawyer VIOLA JANUARY works nights to a pro bono case to free a man she believes was wrongly accused of kidnapping a young woman. But after a victory in court, Viola discovers that the truth is more complicated than she initially thought when she becomes the next target of the real killer..." Hopefully we'll be seeing more of this picking up for our friends in the filming industry!

    Full Details

    Location Details: Motor City South Auto Shop
    Filming type: Standard Filming on Location
    Preparation and clean up time required: No
    Shoot start: 03/10/2024 10:00 AM
    Shoot end: 03/10/2024 11:30 PM
    Number of Crew (Including Cast): 45
    After Hours Activity: Yes
    Please provide details: We will be shooting outside the auto shop and on the adjacent road at night.

    Shoot Information
    Describe in detail the filming activity that will take place at this location: We will be shooting scenes inside Motor City South, outside MCS, and on Haas Avenue. These are simple dialogue scenes, and some driving shots. Small scale unit with one or two technical vehicles

    Lane / Street closure (location): Yes
    Please state the start and finish point of any street or lane closure (e.g. Union St between 5th Ave and 10th Ave): Hass Avenue from Metropolitan to Glenwood.
    Lane / Street closure (type): Yes
    ITC (Intermittent Traffic Control)
    Other (please insert details): We only need ITC to shoot our scenes as a van drives up to the auto shop.
    Police presence: Yes
    Please provide details: ITC
    Community notification: Yes
    Describe the steps that will be taken to notify affected residents and/or businesses: We will drop flyers in advance notifying neighbors of the filming activity.
    Production Vehicles on Set: Yes
    How many production vehicles will park in the reserved spaces: 3
    Describe the steps you have taken or will take to notify affected residents and/or businesses of your filming activity: We will drop flyers in advance notifying neighbors of the filming activity.
    Describe in detail any important information that you think we should know about your planned shoot.: This is a very simple straight forward shoot, with some basic ITC support needs.

    Emergency contact on set
    Name: Mark Sunderland
    Mobile phone: 404-545-4149
    Email: markwsunderland@gmail.com

  • Thursday, March 07, 2024 9:02 AM | Anonymous

    The East Atlanta VIllage weekly clean-ups have officially kicked off! Thanks to joint efforts between EACA/EABA and District 5, this project is underway and will continue as long as funds can be secured. Our first official clean-up day was Saturday, March 2. 

    Update from Steve of GA Works:

    "The crew of 6 were efficient in completing the clean up today. We have been averaging 1 bag of trash so far with most of it coming from the parking lots. Today we had 2 due to a messy dumpster in the parking lot between Gresham and Joseph. Overall the area looks clean and will remain as such."

    THANK YOU to those who have already donated to the GoFundMe. We are currently at a total of $6673. Monthly fees for this project total $2100, which equates to $25,200 for the entire year. Please consider donating and/or making this a monthly give for your business or family if possible. Thank you to Liliana Bakhtiari of District 5 for the donation of $2100, covering 1 month of service. And thank you to Liz Lootens of Atlanta Purus for donating all proceeds from the East Atlanta Santa event to this program.

  • Monday, February 26, 2024 2:26 PM | Anonymous

    Thanks to all who joined us at Argosy on Tuesday, 2.20.24 for our February EABA General Meeting.  It was a great meeting with networking and important discussions. 

    View MINUTES

    Our sponsors showed up with great food, drinks and sweets! Thanks to Black Habit Records, Keller Knapp Realty and Chelsea Sommers, Realtor®.

    Featured biz Nectar Yoga held a raflle for 5 free yoga sessions! And Village Fitness gave away 5 free gym visits to every meeting attendee! 

    Join us at the next EABA General Meeting on 3.19.23 from 6-8 PM at Argosy where we will be voting on new board members.

  • Wednesday, February 14, 2024 12:12 PM | Anonymous

    Want to be more involved in helping our small biz community to thrive? EABA is actively seeking board and committee members. OPEN POSITIONS include Events Chair, Vice President, Fundraising/Grants Committee Members, Events Committee Members, Public Safety Committee Members, DEI Committee Members + MORE. Please submit nominations (yourself or others) to hello@eastatlantabiz.com. Elections will take place at the March General Meeting.

    Open EABA Board Positions:
    Events Chair

    Open EABA Committee Chair Positions:
    Events Committee
    Marketing + Promotion Committee
    Fundraising + Grants Committee
    DEI Committee

    Please reach out to hello@eastatlantabiz.com with recommendations! Board elections will take place at EABA's March General Meeting: 3.20.24 from 6-8 PM.

    To be eligible to run, your business must be a current member of EABA and you must be representing the business member. The owner of the company does not have to be the one to be on the board of directors as long as it is approved by the owner. Only 2 seats available for non business owners. 

    • Members or associate members in good standing.

    • Members are businesses and property owners that operate within the bounds of East Atlanta.

    • Associate members operate outside of the bounds of East Atlanta.

    If you are not listed in the directory, your membership has lapsed. 

    Two Year Terms: Executive Officers and Committee Chairs make up the Board of Directors.

    Board of Directors Time Commitments: 10 hours per month + Mixers & Events + Work Sessions

    • The executive officers are the President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary. The executive officers govern EABA.

    • Committee Chairs vote on major issues and manage each area of expertise.  Reports to the Executive Officers and works closely with the Director on action items and plans.

    Required Monthly Meetings: 5 hours

    Board of Directors may not miss more than 3 meetings total per term.

    • Attendance at BOD meetings on the 1st Tuesday of the Month from 6-7:30 PM.

    • Attendance at General Meetings on the 3rd Tuesday of the Month from 6-8 PM.

    Working Sessions & Follow Up: 5 hours

    • No more than 5 hours per month during normal EABA functions regarding preparation of agendas, follow up items and emails between the Board of Directors and the community.

    EABA By-Laws

  • Saturday, February 10, 2024 2:20 PM | Anonymous

    The Invest Atlanta Small Business Team has upcoming events to help grow your small business. Join us!

    Thriving Together: A Guide to the Atlanta Commercial Down Payment Assistance Loan (webinar)

    Unlock the doors to business growth with the Atlanta Commercial Down Payment Assistance Loan program. Invest Atlanta is proud to present a webinar designed to guide local small business owners through the process of securing low-interest financing for commercial property acquisition.

    Date: Thursday, February 15
    Time: 6:00 p.m. ET


    Workshop: Commercial Real Estate Acquisition Program 

    In Partnership with TruFund Financial Services
    Joined by the SBDC, this conversation will shine light on the financial planning needed to be the best candidate for getting Access to Capital.

    Date: Wednesday, February 21
    Time: 6:30 p.m. ET 


    In-Person Mixer: Pittsburgh Yards

    Join us for 90 minutes of networking with other small business owners, business associations and technical assistance providers. Sign up for a tour of Pittsburgh Yards, an Invest Atlanta Small Business Resource Center, pick up helpful resources and feel free to chat with an Invest Atlanta team member about booking an appointment for one-on-one small business guidance.

    Date: Thursday, February 29
    Time: 6:00 p.m. ET


    Unlocking Opportunities: ATLinBusiness Marketplace is Your Gateway to Government Contracting

    Join us for an enlightening webinar on Government Contracting 101 and the groundbreaking ATLinBusiness Marketplace powered by NowNetwork™. Discover the ins and outs of obtaining government contracts and learn how our B2B marketplace can connect your business with prominent buyers in the Atlanta metro area. 

    Date: Tuesday, March 5
    Time: 6:00 p.m. ET


About EABA

EABA strives to create cohesion and communication between businesses, residents and City of Atlanta to preserve the history and integrity of East Atlanta Village.

Give Us A Shout! 


Mailing Address: 1267 Glenwood Ave SE, Atlanta GA 30316 

Copyright © 2020  | East Atlanta Business Association | Atlanta, Georgia 
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